
October 15, 2024

It's a Beautiful World Out There - Go, See, and Enjoy It!

There are a lot of wonderful people in the world—go and meet them!

Hi, we are Diane and Dell Shiell. We co-founded Christian Home Exchange in 1992. We did our first home exchange in 1988. It was a life-changing experience for our family. At the time, our children were ages 10, 11, and 13. That’s the ages of our grandchildren, now!

Diane & Dell in London

This is a picture of us in London. (We are from Minnesota and live in Florida.)

We are Christians, but you don’t have to do a home exchange with other Christians to have a successful home exchange. The “key” to your success is to take your faith with you—be a Christian wherever you go and with whomever you meet.Several excellent Home Exchange Membership Sites are available online. When you check them out, we are confident you will find one that suits you. We suggest you begin by visiting these websites:

We wrote our book—Go, Pastor. Go!—to encourage clergy to use a home exchange to plan an affordable sabbatical. Don't fall for the notion that only those fortunate enough to get a foundation grant get to take a sabbatical. You are not a victim. You just need to get a little creative!

Fair Exchange

In our book—Fair Exchange: A Ministry Exchange Between the USA and Norway—we share the story of the year that our family did a home and ministry exchange with a Norwegian pastor and his family. This was a truly life-changing experience for us and for the two congregations that participated in this exchange. (1992. Revised, 2016.)

You are, also, invited to visit our Blog where we’ve included articles about home exchanges and travel.

Enjoy the adventure of a home exchange—for the time of your life!

God be with you and bless you,

Diane and Dell