Christian Community of Home Exchangers

If you have ever thought of doing a home exchange–and you are a Christian–why not help build the Christian Community at

One benefit of this Christian Home Exchange organization is that it is part of an international home swap network with over 40,000 listings so you can easily find someone with whom to do your next home swap, even if you cannot locate another Christian who is available to fit your timetable and your destination.

We also heard of another strategy that is possible when you have such a vast selection of home exchange possibilities.  We were talking with a couple nearing retirement.  They wanted to see the world as Christian travelers.  They had the idea of doing a sequential series of home exchanges. To begin their planning, they checked out available home exchanges in the Christian Community.  Next, they referred to the larger home exchange community to “fill in the gaps” with other places to stay in the locations where they wanted to do a home swap.

It really is a special privilege when you can do a home exchange with other Christians.  Even when you do not know if the other person is a Christian, go ahead and identify yourself as a Christian to your home exchange partner.  You never know what resources they may share to help make your home swap a part of your faith walk.

At the very least, we encourage you to worship at a local church during your home swap.  Let people know you are a temporary resident in their community as a home swapper. The Lord just may open up opportunities you could never have imagined– opportunities both to experience the area where you are staying and opportunities to develop friendships with Christians in different parts of the country or even different parts of the world.


Photo Credit: Globe by oh debby is licensed under CC by 2.0.

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