Alban Institute and Home Exchange
For 40 years, Alban Institute was an amazing ecclesiastical institution serving congregations and their leaders. In 2014, this organization founded by the Rev. Loren Mead in 1974, entered into an agreement with Duke Divinity School to transfer it’s intellectual properties to Duke. As a result of this agreement, Duke Divinity maintains an archive of the…

Pulpit Exchanges
I just read a very exciting—and a very disheartening—article in a church newsletter. Two pastors in Montana did a pulpit exchange for one Sunday. The article refers to this as an “opportunity” for two pastors and two congregations to “link up” as those sharing life in the same community—and in Christ. News of two churches…

Help Your Pastor “To Remember the Sabbath”
As a Lutheran, I grew up memorizing Luther’s Small Catechism, including Luther’s explanation to the commandment “to remember the Sabbath.” We are to fear and love God, so that we do not despite preaching or God’s word, but instead keep that word holy and gladly hear and learn it. (Evangelical Lutheran Worship, p. 1160) “The…