Stewardship Of Self And Clergy Sabbaticals
Ministries increasingly encourage stewardship of self for pastors. In his book, Clergy Self-Care, Greg Sumii writes, “Pastors are human with limitations and yet many are ministering beyond their limitations.” Stewardship of self is something pastors need to model for others in the parish as much as we need it for ourselves. In an online article,…
Pray, Floss, Travel: The Good Life With A Christian Home Exchange
Who you are determines how you live. Praying daily begins by being who you are in God’s eyes and spending time in God’s presence. As a child of God, I have a personal relationship with God. I grow in this relationship by taking time to pray and read the Bible daily. My relationship with God,…
Life Stewardship and Home Exchanges
Recently, during a conversation, I mentioned the idea of using a home exchange for sabbatical time “off ” and the person responded, “What about my things?” My jaw dropped. “What about your things?” I thought. This person is a pastor, nearing burnout, needing a sabbatical, and their main concern is for their “things”? I guess…