Ministry Sabbaticals 101
At Christian Home Exchange, we believe that the world will be a better place once pastors and all Christians take seriously the word, “Go,” as in “Go, therefore …” (Matthew 28:19). Many refer to the world these days as the Global Village, but it seems to me that most of us are just sitting around…
Pastor Swap? Home Swap? Or Ministry Swap?
What is the difference between a home swap, a pastor swap, and a ministry swap? The difference is one of focus and complexity. The home swap (also known as a “home exchange”), leaves the identity of those negotiating the home swap open-ended. Instead of focusing on who is doing the swap, the focus is on the…
Got The Clergy Sabbatical Grant Blues?
It’s not about the money–well, maybe it is. OK. You have a sabbatical policy at your church. You are ready to start planning your first ministry sabbatical. You have your congregation’s blessing to take a sabbatical, but the funding is up to you. No problem, you’ll just go to a foundation that distributes clergy sabbatical…