It’s Time To Get Out Of Town
You know the definition of “insanity,” right? Doing things the same old way and expecting different results. Sometimes we defend our insanity by insisting that we are victims. Now, that is perhaps the worst kind of “insane rut” we can live. In fact, some would say this way of living barely qualifies as “existence,” much…

Ministry Sabbaticals 101
At Christian Home Exchange, we believe that the world will be a better place once pastors and all Christians take seriously the word, “Go,” as in “Go, therefore …” (Matthew 28:19). Many refer to the world these days as the Global Village, but it seems to me that most of us are just sitting around…

Christmas Gift Idea
As Christmas approaches, you know your pastor is busy. A lot of preparation goes into sharing the Christmas message of “good news of great joy for all the people.” This Christmas and New Year season give your pastor a gift that could be a source of “good news” and “great joy” in their personal and…