Lifestyle Quotes
I came across a couple of quotes that help me as I struggle with my complicated lifestyle. I share them because so many of us put off “really living” and “traveling” because we make everything too complicated. First quote is from Confucius: “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” When I…

Who Really Owns This Place?
There is a fable in which the Angel Gabriel reports to God, after surveying the earth and its inhabitants. The angel Gabriel says, “Lord, it’s my duty to inform you that you are the owner of a choice piece of real estate known as planet earth. But the tenants you’ve leased it out to are…

God’s Will For My Life
Christian Stewardship is the human response of faith in Jesus Christ and gratitude for God’s Blessings. Two questions help us in our mission as faithful stewards: 1. Who am I? 2. What do I stand for? (Or why am I here?) It is virtually impossible to claim personal responsibility for one’s mission as a steward…