Have Fun Living Green
People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing. (Dale Carnegie) Take a vacation and help the planet. People are more productive when they are rested and energized. News of global warming and the need to protect resources is disheartening. What are we to do? Take a much needed and refreshing vacation? …
Make Your Dream A Reality With A Home Exchange
In 1988, we did a home exchange with a Norwegian pastor and his family. It was a dream come true—well almost. My wife, Diane, and I actually dreamed of doing a home exchange with someone in a country where everyone spoke English. Six months before our family headed to Norway, we were all learning the…
Cheer Up Church – Creativity and Home Exchange
Charlie Peacock sings, “Cheer up, Church, you’re worse off than you think.” Many churches are feeling a money crunch, due to the economy. Take our congregation, for example. There is no way our church could afford to provide a clergy sabbatical–apart from taking a creative approach to our life and our ministry together. In fact,…