Have Fun Living Green

People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing. (Dale Carnegie) Take a vacation and help the planet. People are more productive when they are rested and energized.  News of global warming and the need to protect resources is disheartening.  What are we to do? Take a much needed and refreshing vacation? …

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Free vs. Paid Membership

To pay or not to pay? That is the question many would-be home exchangers ask themselves. In most home exchange networks, the annual fee for listing your home is nominal–$75 to $150 (about half the cost of one night’s lodging for the typical vacation). But, there is a greater issue at stake when you pay…

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Help Your Pastor “To Remember the Sabbath”

As a Lutheran, I grew up memorizing Luther’s Small Catechism, including Luther’s explanation to the commandment “to remember the Sabbath.” We are to fear and love God, so that we do not despite preaching or God’s word, but instead keep that word holy and gladly hear and learn it. (Evangelical Lutheran Worship, p. 1160) “The…

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