Home Exchange – Travel With A Friend
When we travel, we bring along a friend, Rick Steves. We recommend that all our family and friends take Rick along as their travel partner as well. Is Rick busy traveling with us, our family, and our friends? Well, we believe he is a busy traveler, but we have never met Rick. Rick Steves writes…

Lifestyle Quotes
I came across a couple of quotes that help me as I struggle with my complicated lifestyle. I share them because so many of us put off “really living” and “traveling” because we make everything too complicated. First quote is from Confucius: “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” When I…

Travel As A Lifestyle
As we prepared to move, in a box of old electronic devices, I found a telephone that had a “cord” attaching the handset to the phone cradle. I showed this ancient piece of equipment to our grandchildren, ages 8 and 10. It was like transporting them back in time. Something else from the old days:…