Deferred Dreams Of Travel
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” (Proverbs 13:12, The Message) Like others who have become “the older generation” before us, we baby boomers discover the truth behind the clichés of everyday life. A plaque on the kitchen wall in the farm home of a retired couple…

Every Christian A Missionary
Reality is not always my friend. I know what I want to do, but I can’t always do it. At the end of our seminary years, my husband and I felt the call to consider mission work. We attended a few informational meetings–and then backed out. At the time, our children were 6 months, 18…

Vacation Home Exchanges Offer Flexibility
Some people own more than one home—their primary residence and a vacation home. This provides for a variety of interesting possibilities when arranging for a home exchange. Most often a vacation home—or second home—is intended for weekend getaways and as a vacation destination. When planning your next home exchange, keep in mind that “peak season”…