Christian Home Exchange in Hungary
Hungary, located in central Europe, is a member of the European Union. Hungary is one of the 150 countries which you, as a member of ChristianHomeExchange.com, can contact in The Home Exchange Network. Currently (February 16, 2017), this network has 370 available home swap listings. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. This beautiful city has…

Make A Difference For One Family—Yours
Everyone wants to make a difference in this life. Yet, amazingly, we pass up so many opportunities that come our way to do so. The following sermon illustration is so good—and has been used so often—it is hard to imagine that some pastors out there have never heard or never used this illustration in one…

Ministry Sabbaticals 101
At Christian Home Exchange, we believe that the world will be a better place once pastors and all Christians take seriously the word, “Go,” as in “Go, therefore …” (Matthew 28:19). Many refer to the world these days as the Global Village, but it seems to me that most of us are just sitting around…