Belgium and Home Exchanges
The full name for Belgium is “Kingdom of Belgium.” Belgium is one of the 150 countries which you, as a member of ChristianHomeExchange.com, can contact in the HomeExchange.com network. Currently (March 15, 2017), this network has 519 available home swap listings in Belgium. The capital city of Belgium is Brussels with a population of more than…

Christian Home Exchange in New Zealand
A home exchange in New Zealand. How exciting! New Zealand is one of the 150 countries which, as a member of ChristianHomeExchange.com, you can contact in The Home Exchange Network. New Zealand is located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. New Zealand’s nearest neighbor is Australia—around 90 miles away. New Zealand is about the size of…
Pray, Floss, Travel: The Good Life With A Christian Home Exchange
Who you are determines how you live. Praying daily begins by being who you are in God’s eyes and spending time in God’s presence. As a child of God, I have a personal relationship with God. I grow in this relationship by taking time to pray and read the Bible daily. My relationship with God,…