Touch The Lives Of Others With A Home Exchange
My life shall touch a dozen lives before this day is done, Leave countless marks for good or ill ere sets the setting sun, This is the wish, the prayer I always pray: Lord, may my life help other lives it touches by the way. – Anonymous As a Christian, are you ready to begin…

Christian Home Exchange in New Zealand
A home exchange in New Zealand. How exciting! New Zealand is one of the 150 countries which, as a member of ChristianHomeExchange.com, you can contact in The Home Exchange Network. New Zealand is located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. New Zealand’s nearest neighbor is Australia—around 90 miles away. New Zealand is about the size of…

The Christian Home Exchange Movement
The Christian Home Exchange website is owned by the non-profit organization, St. Hans Ministry Exchange, Inc. The name, St. Hans, refers to St. John the Baptist, whose motto was, “He (Christ) must increase, I must decrease.” Our logo incorporates a symbol of Christian baptism—the seashell with water drops. The water drops enter an ocean (represented…