Do You Believe In Miracles?

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is. (Albert Einstein) Travel can open our eyes to miracles, as well as the amazing world that simply “is.”  Our imagination can take us to places we have never been.  But, home…

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Make A Difference For One Family—Yours

Everyone wants to make a difference in this life. Yet, amazingly, we pass up so many opportunities that come our way to do so. The following sermon illustration is so good—and has been used so often—it is hard to imagine that some pastors out there have never heard or never used this illustration in one…

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Introducing The Non-Simultaneous Home Exchange

Eight-year-old Caleb and his cousin, seven-year-old Drew, had a wonderful time during their family vacation in Larvik, Norway. Both agree that their favorite memory was playing with the children who lived next door to the home where their family did a home exchange arranged through Christian Home Exchange. These two boys from Florida did not…

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