Every Christian A Missionary

Reality is not always my friend.  I know what I want to do, but I can’t always do it. At the end of our seminary years, my husband and I felt the call to consider mission work.  We attended a few informational meetings–and then backed out.  At the time, our children were 6 months, 18…

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It’s Time To Get Out Of Town

You know the definition of “insanity,” right? Doing things the same old way and expecting different results. Sometimes we defend our insanity by insisting that we are victims.  Now, that is perhaps the worst kind of “insane rut” we can live.  In fact, some would say this way of living barely qualifies as “existence,” much…

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Vacation Home Exchanges Offer Flexibility

Some people own more than one home—their primary residence and a vacation home.  This provides for a variety of interesting possibilities when arranging for a home exchange. Most often a vacation home—or second home—is intended for weekend getaways and as a vacation destination. When planning your next home exchange, keep in mind that “peak season”…

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