Touch The Lives Of Others With A Home Exchange
My life shall touch a dozen lives before this day is done, Leave countless marks for good or ill ere sets the setting sun, This is the wish, the prayer I always pray: Lord, may my life help other lives it touches by the way. – Anonymous As a Christian, are you ready to begin…

Home Exchange – Travel With A Friend
When we travel, we bring along a friend, Rick Steves. We recommend that all our family and friends take Rick along as their travel partner as well. Is Rick busy traveling with us, our family, and our friends? Well, we believe he is a busy traveler, but we have never met Rick. Rick Steves writes…

USA.gov Resources For International Travel
Is it time to try something different? Maybe do a home exchange, instead of a hotel? Maybe seek an international destination? If so, visit USA.gov for some helpful resources. This site provides lots of international travel resources: * Americans Abroad – Assistance During a Crisis * Americans Living and Traveling Abroad * Authentication of Documents…