Become A Green Traveler With A Home Swap
When we go on vacation, our home sits empty. While away, it is easy to worry about the empty house—water leaks, mold growing, the failure of the furnace or air conditioner to keep running, adequate home security by the security system or alert neighbors. All the usual expenses for our home arrive each month and…

Touch The Lives Of Others With A Home Exchange
My life shall touch a dozen lives before this day is done, Leave countless marks for good or ill ere sets the setting sun, This is the wish, the prayer I always pray: Lord, may my life help other lives it touches by the way. – Anonymous As a Christian, are you ready to begin…

Are You Skipping Your Vacation Because Of The Work Load Afterward?
A vacation by definition is a time of respite, a time away from work, a time to relax or travel. In theory, after the vacation, one is primed and pumped to get back to work full of renewed energy and enthusiasm. So, what happens to the vacation if you are dreading your return to work…