Ministry Sabbaticals 101
At Christian Home Exchange, we believe that the world will be a better place once pastors and all Christians take seriously the word, “Go,” as in “Go, therefore …” (Matthew 28:19). Many refer to the world these days as the Global Village, but it seems to me that most of us are just sitting around…

Arthur & Pauline Frommer–Trusted Travel Advisers
Arthur and Pauline Frommer know a lot about traveling. I have trusted them as a resource for my travels for more than 40 years. I continue to appreciate their wisdom and practical advice as they list the benefits of home swapping. As a young traveler to Europe in 1970, I clung to my copy of…

Stewardship Of Self And Clergy Sabbaticals
Ministries increasingly encourage stewardship of self for pastors. In his book, Clergy Self-Care, Greg Sumii writes, “Pastors are human with limitations and yet many are ministering beyond their limitations.” Stewardship of self is something pastors need to model for others in the parish as much as we need it for ourselves. In an online article,…