The Home Exchange Staycation Is Win-Win!
The recession and deflated real estate prices left many feeling the blues. Thousands of dollars of home equity vanished. For some this means the loss of hope that they can take a vacation, retire, or go on a sabbatical. It is easy to think there is no light at the end of this tunnel—and find…

Christian Home Exchange in Hungary
Hungary, located in central Europe, is a member of the European Union. Hungary is one of the 150 countries which you, as a member of ChristianHomeExchange.com, can contact in The Home Exchange Network. Currently (February 16, 2017), this network has 370 available home swap listings. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. This beautiful city has…

Home Exchange Minnesota
HomeExchange.com has over 65,000 home exchange opportunities worldwide. In 2014, this organization passed their major milestone of 1 million home exchanges since 1992 (which translates to 2 million home exchanges, since each home exchange involves two family swapping homes). As home exchange enthusiasts, we are very excited about these numbers. We are from Minnesota, originally.…